3.01 Tutoring and Exam Prep

The Office of Learning Resources and Support assists medical and dental students with academic concerns. Students are assisted with issues relating to studying efficiently and test-taking skills. This assistance occurs across the curriculum starting with preclerkship course material, continues through the PCE and includes preparation for the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 exams as needed. Students are referred by their preclerkship course directors, their societies, their PCE faculty or can self-refer. 

An initial screening interview will help determine factors (situational, emotional, learning, etc.) that may be contributing to difficulties. When emotional/situational issues are involved, appropriate referrals are made to HUHS counseling. For study efficiency and test taking assistance, a referral is made to one of our learning specialists. If a comprehensive learning evaluation is indicated, a referral for neuropsychological testing is made. If a student has a documented learning disability, the student may be eligible for accommodations within their learning setting, to be determined and arranged, when appropriate, by the Director of Disability Services (see Section 10.03).

The Office of Learning Resources and Support works with students, the Societies and the course and clerkship directors to provide tutors, as needed, for more specific student support. These tutors are drawn from senior medical students, or from residents, fellows and/or faculty recruited by  clerkship directors. The office also assists with USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 National Board preparation, including diagnostic tests, subject reviews, study materials and individual coaching, as needed. See also exam prep resources through the Countway Library of Medicine. 

The Office of Learning Resources and Support is located in TMEC 347-A and 347-B. 

Last updated 11/20/18